Newcomers - Welcome!

We are glad you are here! 

For detailed service information click on the above "Services" tab. We have coffee an’ and great conversation downstairs most Sundays after services, please join us. 

More information is available at our front (north) entry including informational pamphlets from the Unitarian Universalist Association.


Things you might want to know

Dress at our church is always eclectic and informal. Visitors will feel comfortable in business casual to jeans and T shirt. 

Some of our members are sensitive/allergic to chemical scents. Strong perfumes are discouraged, including those in soaps and shampoos. 

We are excited to announce that Mesabi UU is now handicap accessible! We have a lift that will take you either up or down from ground level and we have an all-gender handicap-accessible restroom on the lower level. 


Our Congregation

Mesabi Unitarian Universalist Church (MUUC or MUU) is a religious non-profit membership organization. A 14 year and older person aligned with our principals becomes a member by signing the membership book and making an annual contribution that is recorded (by check or envelope with member name) in the Treasurer’s ledger. 

Pledges and offerings to MUUC include: 

1) Support for our local MUU church building upkeep and program costs: a pledge (promise of support) mailing or emailing request to members and friends is sent in early spring ahead of our annual membership meeting (usually held on the first Sunday of May) asking for support of our annual budget. Pledges are usually paid by check for record keeping and are place in the offering basket or mailed to the church P.O. Box address.

2) The Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (UUA) and (more locally) Mid-America District of the UUA asks our church for annual support of $85 (2020) per local member. In the fall a second Pledge mailing request is sent asking members for this support. Our MUU Treasurer accumulates these gifts and forwards payments each year to the UUA Annual Program Fund and District.

3) The weekly service offering basket also accepts cash or check gifts.


Mesabi UU is a legally register/filed entity with St. Louis County and MUU has by-laws for management and procedures. Copies of these documents are kept in a three ring binder in the office and available to all. Printed copies are provided to newly elected members of the MUU Board of Trustees. Email or printed copies are available to members if requested. 

MUU Board of Trustees consists of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer who are elected annually and three member Trustees elected to three year staggered terms.