What to Do About Easter? Rev. Karen Gustafson
Rev. Karen Gustafson is Minister Emerita, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Duluth
As a pluralist faith tradition with roots in liberal Christianity, it is sometimes a conundrum to figure out how to reflect our connection to some of the stories that inform that grounding mythology. We have been rescued from needing to think about the significance of the story of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus by the timely and welcomed image of the Easter Bunny and sometimes the promise of spring. And yet, there it is, the story, imprinted in many of our psyches by decades of childhood catechism of one kind or another asking only to be rejected or put to rest. This Easter let us trot the story gently out into the light and once again attempt to prune it into submission or to elevate the metaphor out of the quagmire of tradition.