Voices for Ethnic and Multicultural Awareness Nathaniel Coward and Seraphia Gravelle Co-Executive Direcctors of VEMA The mission statement of VEMA is “to lift up voices of all people in our communities that experience discrimination, injustice and/or prejudice. To enact change, educate, and provide cultural experience. To provide resources to community members who are affected by issues of racism, discrimination, and injustice. Through education, not only of members of VEMA but also the community surrounding them…” The work of VEMA is closely aligned with the 8th Principle of the Unitiarian Universalist Association….”working to build a diverse and multicultural Beloved Community by our actions that accountably dismantle racism other and oppression in ourselves and in our institutions.” Learn about VEMA and how each of us can become involved in understanding and combating racism in northern Minnesota.
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